Turkey Creek

Dam & Dike Conservancy District

Water Level Management for Lake Wawasee, Syracuse Lake, and Lake Papakeechie

About the District

The Turkey Creek Dam and Dike Conservancy District was formed in 2021 to manage and maintain lake water level control structures affecting three lakes in Kosciusko County. These structures include the Huntington Street Dam and the proposed Dike improvements on the western edge of Lake Wawasee. These structures are crucial to maintaining water levels – keeping the area safe for activities and preserving the value of lakeside properties.

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Latest News



The Board of Directors of the Turkey Creek Dam and Dike Conservancy District announces the convening of the annual meeting on February 14, 2025, at 3:00 p.m. The meeting will convene at the Conservancy District Office located at the WACF Education  Center at 11586 N...

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Freezing Lakes: Why and How Lakes Freeze

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7 Expert Tips for Stunning Frozen Lake Photography This Winter

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Current Conditions

Lake Level

Feet Above Mean Sea Level

Water Temperature


24hr Rainfall Total


Last Reported:

About This Data

The data displayed above is the average of readings from meters installed at Dillon Creek, the Leeland Channel, and the Turkey Creek Inflow, and will include data from additional stations as they become available. Click here for more detail on individual site readings.

The established, or ideal, lake level for Syracuse Lake is 858.87 feet, elevation Sea Level Datum. Additional and historical data will be incorporated in the future.

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